Thomas Peer is one of the leading “As a Service (aaS)” provider in Australia.
Our Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) hosted solutions provide the resources you need to deliver critical business applications and free up time for your internal IT teams to focus on tasks that help your business grow.
Fully delivered and managed by Thomas Peer, the consumption-based IaaS portfolio scales from a single virtual server to whole architecture with all computation and storage resources delivered from Thomas Peer cloud. To fulfill customer disaster recovery objectives all IaaS solutions are geo-replicated as standard and are costed on an unmetered basis to make it incredibly easy to keep your cloud computing costs manageable.
Our Veeam Powered Backup as a Service (BaaS) and Cyber Vault as a Service (CVaaS) protects critical business data across two secure Australian data centers, providing peace of mind and rock solid reliability that is GDPR compliant.
Choose from our range of online or disk-to-disk backup solutions and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offers, to build a cost effective, capital expenditure-free option that meets your offsite backup requirements. These fully managed and 24×7 monitored services allow you to leverage our capabilities to manage your operations, support contracts, bolster your team for operational services, or outright manage an area of your environment for you. We offer our clients a flexible approach to this through a service:
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